From Inside Out Ministries




Minister Hugh Braxton and The Lady Shawnnette are elated that you have chosen to visit this site!  We welcome you and pray that the Word of God delivered from this ministry becomes a testimony you can share with friends and family.



FIO Ministries is commited to Kingdom Discipleship! Kingdom discipleship is the process of being and making disciples that submit fully to God with the goal of building a strong relationship with him. The kingdom is understood as God's rule, regin, and authority, and discipleship as the process of discipling someones else or becoming a disciple yourself. 



According to Matthew 28:19-20, we were given “The Great Commission” to go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit.



Our Disciple Model: Reaching, Teaching, Training and Sending...



We believe it is vital to be taught the Word of God in a practical manner; in a method where you gain understanding and can appropriately apply it to your daily life.



We invite you to visit us! 

Live Stream (Facebook) 7-8:30pm


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© F.I.O. Ministries